The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) seeks to build a new generation of social justice leaders in India by offering access to quality higher education. IFP especially supports candidates from groups that have historically lacked access to higher education.
In the last eight years, IFP India has selected 280 Fellows for Masters and PhD degrees. Of these, 200 Fellows have already completed their studies. Over seventy five percent have returned to India to begin careers in the social sector creating value for their regions and communities. IFP India helps returned fellows (alumni) raise their capacities through knowledge, skills and networks to become effective leaders working to improve lives in their communities.
Applications for 2010 are now open. Applicants should :
� Be Indians currently residing and working in the states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh or Uttarakhand. They should have faced some socio-economic disadvantage in their access to quality education.
� Hold a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree from a recognized Indian university with at least 55% marks.
� Have at least three years’ full-time work experience relevant to their proposed area of study. They should also have experience in leadership and community service or development related activities.
Forty candidates will be selected following an intensive search and selection process. The Pre Application and Final Application Forms will be reviewed and evaluated by panels of experts from academia, the social development sector and other related disciplines. Shortlisted candidates will be further screened through regional and national interviews.
The IFP India Program will assist selected fellows in university admission process, paying for travel, tuition fees, living costs and logistical arrangements related to their study programs. The Information Sheet and Pre-Application Form can be downloaded from The deadline for pre-applications is 15 December 2009.
The Information sheet and Pre-Application form are enclosed. Please pass this on to eligible candidates and encourage them to apply. Thank you so much for your support.
We would also appreciate it if you could email us at the full addresses and contact details of 10 important persons (from NGO's, Academia & Media) in your state to whom we can also forward IFP materials for dissemination.